Friday, February 13, 2009

A Little Background Information

A little background information on Emily. We had a great birth, no complications, it was quick & easy. We were out of the hospital in 24 hours. She latched & nursed like a pro! She was very mellow & laid back, hardly ever fussed unless she was hungry. At about 2 months the Doctors were concerned because she was "falling off" the curve on the charts. At 3 months our Pediatrician labeled Emily as FTT (failure to thrive). Essentially that meant she wasn't growing at the rate that a "normal" child would so she wasn't "thriving".  So that is when we began a insane year long journey with many different Doctors & strings of tests. All ending up at the same place... she was normal just small! Matt & I finally decided after over a year to put a end to all the tests. She has been following her "own curve" for almost 2 years now. At our 2 year wellness visit I brought up concerns about Emily's speech or lack of speech. The Pediatrician was not too concerned & told us that she was probably a "late talker" so just wait & see, we could talk about it at her next appointment (2 1/2 years). After 3 months of waiting we decided to take her in again & push the Doctor to have a evaluation done. In August, Emily was evaluated by the state of Arizona & found to have a speech delay. She began Speech Therapy (ST) 2 times a month & Developmental Therapy (DT) 2 times a month (alternating weeks). In December the Speech Therapist mention Apraxia to Matt & I. She told us a little about it & asked us to look it up & tell us if we thought it sounded like Emily's speech issues. After a ton of research I found that Emily fit very well into the signs of having Apraxia. We have not had a formal diagnosis of Apraxia yet. But are planning on having that done real soon. We have upped her ST to every week with DT still ever other week. We are also in the process of transitioning her to a preschool. The State no longer provides therapy at the age of 3 but the School District is required to. We hope to continue working with the SLP (speech therapist) Ms. Amber,  after Emily starts school. Emily really likes her & seems to respond to her techniques. Hopefully we can afford it. 
I am amazed that my little baby girl is going to turn 3 years old in 2 more months! Wow, how time gets away from you when you aren't looking!


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