Thursday, June 04, 2009

Long time...

Wow, has it really been that long since I posted?! Apparently. 

We have gotten Emily GI results back...negative on the Celiacs. For me that is great news but also frustrating news. I am extremely happy that she doesn't have Celiacs, it is a life changing diet. But I also am frustrated because we are back to the "I don't know" whats wrong with her GI system. She is now on a no dairy, no soy diet. She seems to be doing well with it so far. Her stools have firmed up a little but they are still not "normal". I have a call in to find out what the next round of tests will be & when he would like to have them done. 

We have been to the ENT as well. Emily will be getting tubes put in her ears to drain the fluid that has been there for who knows how long.  The doctor doesn't believe that she has any hearing loss due to the fluid which is wonderful news! She didn't pass the hearing test he gave her but he was confident that it was due to the fluid. He said she is walking around hearing things like you would if you always had your fingers stuck in your ears. That muffled sound. That is probably why we think her speech is dull sounding. Amber our ST said this doesn't change the diagnosis but will more than likely help Emily to hear the right sounds & repeat the right sounds. We are hopeful that is crisp up her speech (not perfectly but maybe more intelligible). 

We have a Developmental Pediatric appointment next Friday. We are hoping that they will give us a "Doctor" diagnosis of Apraxia. For some reason beyond my understanding Amber's (who should diagnosis Emily & who did) diagnosis wont be taken by either our insurance or our school district. I don't get it! Anyways we are getting a medical diagnosis so we have all our ducks on a row (just in case). 

I guess that is all for now. Emily is on summer break oh yeah...We had a IEP meeting again. Emily has been changed from PLD (Preschool Language Delayed) to PSD (Preschool Sever Delay). They changed her category for two reasons: one they had to observe her in the classroom setting since they didn't do any testing & two it helps her keep her spot in the preschool classroom since they are restructuring the preschool program in the district.  So she qualifies for preschool next year & will be getting a whopping 90 minutes of ST a month (really what does that help) in the classroom! Plus we will have our private SLP Amber here at least for 1 hour each week (for now split into 2 sessions per week).

Now I am done!

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