Saturday, June 27, 2009

Forever & Ever

I am so sorry that it has been so long since I have updated here!! Wow, so much has happened. Here is the Medical stuff...

Emily had her ear tubes put in. Yay! It went fantastic. We got there very early. I had no idea how long it would take us but since I could us the HOV lane it took no time at all. So we checked in about an hour before our appointed check in time. No problem. We got to play for a while & watch a little Mickey Mouse Clubhouse (one of Emily's favorite cartoons). We went back for pre-op, which wasn't really back. There offices were kind of strange. The operation rooms were across the courtyard from the check-in. So anyhow, in pre-op we talked to 2 nurses, the doctor & the anesthesiologist. They all asked me the same questions... Why are you here, what are we having done today, what is her birthday, when was the last time she ate & do you have any questions. I guess now days everyone has to cover their own behinds! We had to wait for a while here. They gave her these adult sized, hideous green socks to wear with no skid soles. She wouldn't keep them on. I probably could have pulled them up to her thighs or beyond. Emily was really getting board in the pre-op room so I let her play with my camera & she took some beautiful pictures of me...NOT! Nothing like pictures taken by someone shorter then you. Since she was so board by the time the nurse came to take her back she was willing to go with just a "bye Mommy". I had to watch a stranger take my baby girl (accompanied by Monkers) by the hand & go through "the door". Oh it was crazy. I was told it would be a quick 5-10 minute procedure & some one would come & get me once she was in recovery. I went out to the courtyard for some air. There was a nice man who's daughter was having her tonsils taken out offer me a paper to read (he had 2). I think I got through one article & started another when the Doctor came out to talk to me. Everything went good. She had lots of really thick fluid in there. He was able to get it all out but had to do a little extra "cleaning". He also said that it usually isn't that thick so the fluid had been there for a long time. We talked about the ear drops, no swimming for 4 weeks & what to do if I think she is getting a ear infection. He said the nurse will be out in a minute to take you back to her. The nurse was out right after the Doctor to take me to my baby. We walk into recovery & she says "Follow the screaming. That ones yours!" Poor Emily was freaked out!! Even once I was there & holding her she was crying for probably 10 minutes. She refused to eat or drink anything(even a grape otter pop)! I am pretty sure that they are supposed make them have something before they release them but since it had been awhile & she was very stubbornly refusing, they sent her home. Once we got to the car I was able to get her to eat the otter pop. By the end of the day she was pretty much back to herself.

We have also seen the Developmental Pediatrician. He supports our ST's diagnosis & wants Emily to have a MRI. Since Apraxia is a Neurological Speech Delay they like to make sure that there are no other issues neurologically speaking. Apraxia will not show up on the MRI (just a little info there for you). They are still unsure of why or where it is. Some research points to a chromosome but it hasn't been officially stated. Anyhow, I haven't set up the MRI yet but it should be soon.

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