Wednesday, March 25, 2009


Emily starts school in 5 day!! Wow, I realize that I am not ready. She is my baby girl & I am not sure how I will make it through the day without her. I know its only 3 hours 4 days a week. But when you are used to having your kids with you all the time its like a piece of you is missing when they go to school. I know that its a great opportunity for her & that she will learn so much. I know that she needs it really bad etc... But right now I really want to be selfish & not want her to go!! I think after spending the last 3 years (pretty much constantly) with her I deserve to have this moment! Okay, I feel a better now. Am I allowed to miss her now even though she hasn't started? Oh man, where does the time go?

We got her (okay Daddy folded...hehehe) a Disney Princess backpack with wheels! It didn't come real cheap but that's due more to the wheels the the Disney Princess theme. She has to have a backpack to fit her take home folder & notebook. So that means a regular sized backpack which on Emily, well pretty much is the same size as her. It was so funny in the backpack aisle at Target. She almost fell over (nothing in it) so Daddy decided to get the wheels. Good choice Daddy! She loves it!! 

Did I also mention that Emily will have to ride the bus to school! This is the hardest thing for me. I think because I am so particular (thats the nice way of saying it) about car seats. She will be in a car seat on the bus & yes it does have seat belts. Its just that I wont be there! I wont let Matt install the car seats in our car because if they aren't right a child could get seriously hurt in a fender bender! The only reason why we are getting it is because of a scheduling conflict between Emily's pre-school & the boy's school. The boys are out at 2:40 & Emily is out at 2:55. I don't physically have enough time to get from the one school to the other. Not unless I get a turbo boost on the minivan! JK! Next year (if the boys are still at Eduprize) I am going to try & get Emily in morning pre-school (then I don't think there is a time conflict). If we Home school there wont be a problem at all with me driving her there. 

One last crazy rant... who in their right mind decides to do "projects" (such as cleaning out closets, entertainment centers, cupboards, spring cleaning things...) while all of their kids are at home board on Spring Break? Some on who is CRAZY that's who. I do really think that my mind is lost. So this is your notice that if you find it please return it! I have come to my senses & I am just trying to survive the last few days of spring break & I can do clean up when the kids are back in school! But mean while my house looks like a cross between tornado Emily & WWIII (Alex & Hunter). Plus my dish washer is gone (he's in Colorado). I am so used to our deal that the cook doesn't clean that I am not sure I remember what the dishwasher looks like. Okay, now I am done. 

Have a Fantastic Day!

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